About Us

Your Trusted Medical Device Distributor

Antara Asia Medic is a privately own company, our major founders brings over 10 years of valuable industry experience, in-depth knowledge, and local expertise in cutting-edge medical technologies and treatments. ⁣⁣

Today, We are the distinguished independent medical technology distribution partner for world-class medical institutions and professionals in Malaysia, Taiwan and Mainland China. comprehensive regional network enables us to strategically and effectively distribute specialty medical devices across the region.

This company is registered with Medical Device Authority of Malaysia (MDA) as an Authorized Representative (AR) with license to import and distributer registered medical device & equipment in Malaysia. We are also GDPMD certified (which is equivalent to ISO 9001 standards) and audited yearly to meet the requirements. This company is also a registered entity with the Ministry of Finance Malaysia for the purpose of tendering and procuring for GLCs and Government entities (E-Perolehan System – Hospital Medical Device & Equipment Supplier).

Our Founder

Specialist, Vascular Surgery Specialist, Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist, General Surgery Medical Degree 1995

Taiwan Society for Vascular Surgery (TSVS)Founding Member Member of CouncilChairperson, Division of Clinical Training Taiwan Society for PhlebologyFounding MemberChairperson, Supervisory Committee

  • 25+ years of clinical experience in cardiac and vascular surgery

  • Presently operating:1 vascular center and 3 vascular access centers in Taiwan. 4 vascular access centers in China

  • 4 IP’s and devices in development pipeline Board of Directors, Sunny Heart Scientific Co., LTD.